a little housekeeping

go check out my tech tumblr, Techademia (http://techademic.tumblr.com) where i talk about my life as a 21st-century academic, sharing all of my favorite tips about hardware and software and where i answer your questions! videos, links, pics and all that fancy stuff.

if you’re on twitter, i hope you were able to check out tweets from the Society for American Music conference labelled with the hashtag #Sonneck2013. go look it up, the tweets were mega informative and interesting (and i wasn’t even there!) also includes links to lots of pictures and videos. — i’m quite glad that people are getting into the spirit of tweeting musicology conferences (other disciplines do it so much better, ESPECIALLY librarians). i’ll try to keep you updated with conference hashtags as they come along and if you go to a conference and have a twitter, consider doing a little tweeting yourself! it’s fun and it creates a great public record.

up next on the docket is a post on race that i’ve been musing on for some time. this is sort of a tough one. but there may be some talk about admissions and making tough decisions in the next few weeks. stay tuned.

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